Adam Aasen, current Carmel City Councilor and Republican for the Southeast District, is running for another term.
Adam is energized by interacting and communicating with the residents in his district and loves advocating on their behalf. Throughout Aasen’s tenure as the Southeast City Councilor, he is proud to have voted to bring Needler’s Fresh Market grocery store to an area in the district that desperately needed it. Aasen also introduced a successful ordinance for animals that reflects Carmel’s reputation as a pet-friendly city. He also championed pedestrian safety in his area and saw two new crosswalks be installed as a result.
Aasen’s priorities include continuing to enhance and invest in public amenities, such as parks, pathways and roads, while keeping taxes low. Additionally, Aasen will prioritize support for Carmel’s police and fire departments, keeping Carmel one of the safest cities in the country. He will also continue to be a voice for pedestrian safety throughout Carmel, especially the Southeast District.
In addition to Aasen’s City Council role, he is a CarmelFest committee member, involved in Synergize, and a Carmel Rotary member. Aasen’s past community involvement includes being a Janus Development Services board member, Carmel Education Foundation board member, and is a past neighborhood HOA board member.
Currently, Aasen is a Communication Specialist for a Fortune 500 company. With deep experience in communications, Aasen has been a reporter in Hamilton County and across the country, and worked at the Statehouse in communications. Aasen was also a co-owner of an Italian restaurant in Carmel for more than a decade.
He’s served on both the Finance and Land Use committees for the Carmel City Council and has been a leader when it comes to continuing responsible growth while respecting the feel of adjacent neighborhoods.